Nutrition — Hove Physio



We are offering Nutrition Services @ Hove Physio available at any of our clinics or in your own home or at another suitable location, such as on your lunch break etc. This is a flexible service which aims to fit in with your life and schedule during the day or in the evenings.

Fad free, no nonsense nutritional advice, based on scientific evidence using the power of eating well to improve your health or aid injury recovery. 

This service is provided by Fran Taylor who can help you feel better and look better through a personalised nutrition plan which gives you easy and practical ways to fine tune your diet in a way that works for you and where you are at in your life.

About the service:

The food we eat gives our bodies the “information” and materials they need to function properly.  In short, what we eat is central to our health. If we don’t get the right information, our metabolic processes suffer and our health and ability to recover from injuries is impaired. Eating the right food in the right amounts is vital in helping to prevent, manage or treat disease and injury.

Just giving you the information and education to improve your diet is not enough. Sometime life gets in the way of us making changes and it’s easy to fall back into old habits. This service ensures that you have both the knowledge and support to put this advice into practice through enabling you to make easy changes to your habits and behaviours.

This approach is to give you a personal nutrition plan which is tailored to your specific needs and goals. The service applies the most up to date scientific based evidence, cutting through the minefield of unsupported and downright flaky information the internet can throw at you.

The service will help you to:

  • Reach or maintain a healthy weight

  • Eat right to aid injury recovery

  • Eat well through the menopause

  • Manage ongoing health conditions through personal nutrition plans including:

    • Type 2 diabetes

    • Cardio-vascular health

    • Digestive diseases and disorders

A session will include:

Each session is one-to-one and can take place in the comfort of your own home or wherever suits you best.

The key to the approach is getting the balance back into eating healthily. Faddy diets and strict, hard to follow eating plans do not work long term. By focusing on nutrition and allowing yourself foods that you enjoy results in a lifestyle change that will last, support your health and help prevent further injury

  • Helping you increase your motivation and confidence to make lasting change

  • Analysing what you eat through food diaries and menu planning

  • Providing the right information on what you should eat to aid injury recovery and pre and post exercise

  • Identifying triggers and habits that lead to over-eating

  • Practical tips and support, such as looking in your cupboards, label reading and handy portion control ideas

  • Debunking the confusing and conflicting weight loss/gain claims we hear daily

  • Providing the right information and advice on what is healthy eating (this means info that suits you and your budget)

  • Ways to tackle emotional eating

It really does depend on what you want and what you need in order to really help you back to full health and improve injury recovery time.


Get Healthy Programme:
In depth one-to-one session + 4 weeks online + email support and encouragement – £64

Our initial consultation helps us really to get to know you and to understand the frustrations and obstacles that you have been faced with.  You will come away with clear individual goals and a personalised package that fits your life. 

Keeping you Healthy Programme:
One to one session + 2 week on line + text support – £48

Making what you know a habit, getting you back on track, giving you new ideas and keeping it fresh.

Gift vouchers are available on request for both programmes.